"Social Infrastructure in The (Post-) Covid City" session #3 with Maria Chiara Tosi (IUAV)
On Tuesday 15 December at 16:30, Metrolab will hold the third session of the webinar « Social Infrastructure in The (Post-)Covid City ». For this occasion we will hear Maria Chiara Tosi, Full Professor in Urban design at Iuav University of Venice, with a presentation entitled « Welfare space as social infrastructure » [EN].
The lecture concerns welfare spaces that were constructed during the 20th and 21stcentury in Europe as spaces for socialization, inclusion, collective life activities, services and equipment. The lecture consists of two parts. In the first, the concept of welfare space will be defined, discussing the current value of the concept and its use within a new urban planning strategy. In the second, considering the central area of Veneto as a laboratory, the spatial results of the welfare policies that have been enacted here will be analyzed and at the same time, some scenarios for the contemporary city will be presented.
The lecture will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by Geoffrey Grulois.
About the speaker
Maria Chiara Tosi, PhD in Urbanism, is Full Professor in Urban design at Iuav University of Venice where she is also the scientific coordinator of the PhD in Urbanism. She has been part of research projects on the study of the evolution of urban settlements and on the physical aspects of welfare state policies in urban environments. She is currently the scientific coordinator of the Interreg Project CREW on wetland management, and partner in the Horizon 2020 CITIES 2030 on food systems. She is IUAV representative in Venice International University Academic Council, and Expert at the Research Foundation Flanders FWO.
Among her books: Tracce di città (2001), Welfare Spaces (2014), Designing Territorial Metabolism (2018).
Social Infrastructure in the (Post-)Covid City consists of 6 sessions held from November 17 to January 19 on Tuesday afternoons (4:30-6:30PM), starting with a lecture (EN/FR) and followed by a discussion with Metrolab and LoUIsE Laboratory researchers.
Click here to read the full programme