International Forum on City of Challenges - Eco-Technological Innovation
The Technopole Foum El Oued is a new city developed in the desert. Bearing resemblance to Masdar City (Abu Dhabi), it is developed by a large state-run cooperation (the Phosphorus mining company OCP, through its non-profit foundation Phosboucraa) in the politically sensitive area of Southern Morocco. On a 600 ha site perched between the Atlantic Ocean and towering sand dunes, the ambition of the Technopole is to become a knowledge hub for biosaline agriculture.
On October 17-19 2019, the first international forum “City of Challenges” brought together architects, urbanists and planners to share expertise and advice on how this ambitious project could be taken forwars.
During the conference, Stephan Kampelmann, member of LOUISE, moderated and contributed to a panel on Urban Biodiversity, Circular Economy, Building With Nature with contributions from Philippe Clergeau (Professor Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris), Thierry Roche (Atelier Thierry Roche et Associé, Lyon), Victor Said (Architect and Planner, IAU- IdF, Paris), Patrick Nossent (CERWAY) and El Yamani Abderahman (Head of agriculture, Foundation Phosboucraa).