REWORK: Making place for Industry, logistics and wholesale in Brussels
This publication presents the results of the Brussels Master Class 2012 “RE:WORK, Making Place for Industry, Logistics and Wholesale in Brussels”, organized from Oct. 29 to Nov. 9 by research centres LoUIsE (ULB) and SteR* (EHB) with the support of the Secretary of State in charge of Urbanism for the Brussels-Capital Region.
Under guidance of urban practice GRAU and urban consultancy agency Idea Consult, 38 students and young practitioners in architecture and urbanism from all over Europe explored the relationship between economy and city on five key sites in Brussels. The projects and reflections developed here propose innovative approaches on the way economy and city could coexist, interact, or even reinforce one another. These results will be able to stimulate action in Brussels, as well as inspire other European metropolises in tackling these challenges on their own territories.